Current number:
Any other previous number(s):
BR coach 4225
Disposed from West Down sidings Mossend between 10/14 and 5/15. Assumed scrapped but confirmation welcome.


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Mossend Yard** *** ****Peter Hall
Mossend Yard** *** ****Kev Adlam
Mossend Yard** *** ****Bob Parsons
Mossend Yard** *** ****Peter Hall
Mossend Yard** *** ****Darren Reay
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The following comments have been left on photos of this vehicle. To reply, just visit one of the photos.

  • 27 April 2014 - Ben Williams

    Anyone seen this lately?

  • 26 March 2015 - Tony Mason

    Is this vehicle visible from passing trains or do you need to visit Mossend Yard


    Tony Mason

  • 26 March 2015 - Michael Winter

    i went by by train three times last year and was unable to see it. any gen on where to see it will be much apprecated. thanks. m.w. svg.

  • 26 March 2015 - Peter Hall

    If you use a Quail map for reference it is in Down Sidings West Yard on road one I believe. My sighting on 2014-10-11 was made from a passing train. All depends on how things are positioned in the down reception sidings though.

  • 28 March 2015 - Michael Winter

    thanks mr hall for location gen. mick. svg.

  • 975918

    31 May 2015 - Tony Mason

    I paid a visit to Mossend Yard on Friday 29th May 2015 using the view of this vehicle from Google Earth & Bing Maps to track down its location.

    It is definitely not at this location now & wondered if anyone has any news as to whether it has been transferred or scrapped.

    I was informed that Balfaur Beatty moved from Mossend Yard a few months ago so vehicle may have gone at the same time

  • 2 June 2015 - Peter Hall

    Further to my comment of 26 March 2015 and in response to Tony 's of 31 May 2015. I have carefully looked at the Google image and compared it with Quail and this shows it as positioned at the buffers end of road 13 in Down Sidings West Yard. This is the position it has been in for at least 15+ years. I confess to having mis-read Quail in my previous post.

    Tony, diid you actually have full access to the yard to check road 13 or did you view from the perimeter?

    As it was part of the Shields Road train at privatisation it would have passed to whoever took on the Scotland West contract at privatisation which I thought was First Engineering, - happy to be corrected. I believe it was knocked out of a train at Mossend about this time with a defect and just got left. Not sure it would have anything to do with Balfour Beatty.

    Ben - are you 100% sure of your 28/03/98 Peterborough sighting as I can see no logical reason for it being there then.

  • 3 June 2015 - Ben Williams

    No - think a mistake for 975916. Now corrected.

  • 3 June 2015 - brian loughlin

    I believe this vehicle was registered to Jarvis (RCC) I will check.

  • 4 June 2015 - Tony Mason

    I used Bing Maps to locate the vehicle. From this I walked to the end of Reema Road which led to a disused warehouse & yard . To the right of yard was a raised piece of ground which I managed to climb from which was a clear view of the yard area where 975918 appeared to have been.

    Any confirmation that 975918 has moved would be appreciated

  • 24 June 2015 - Peter Hall

    I have today viewed Mossend Yard from the same location as Tony. This gives a very clear view of the position I last saw it on 11-10-2014. I concur with Tony that is no longer present at that location. Thus it is fair to conclude that sometime between 11-10-2014 and 29-05-2015 it was moved elsewhere / scrapped.