Current number:
Any other previous number(s):
BR DMU 55016
Scrapped - MC Metals, Glasgow 7/93. Also numbered T008 for a time in the 1990s


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All Sightings

Washwood Heath** *** ****Ben Williams
Warrington** *** ****Geoff Godsell
Doncaster** *** ****Roy Hennefer
Doncaster1992-06-04Dennis Graham
Tyseley TMD1992-03-29Tony Cole
Show all 5 sightings

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The following comments have been left on photos of this vehicle. To reply, just visit one of the photos.

  • 975540

    8 July 2020 - Ben Williams

    I think I may have asked before - but we don't have a T01 (or T001) listed in the Tyseley sandite fleet... or a T008?

  • 975540

    10 July 2020 - Dan Adkins

    T001 was parcels set 55932 54902. T008 was also 975540, it seemingly becoming T008 in late 1990 (there's a photo of it on carrying T008 dated 1987, but looking on flickr, I'm certain this is incorrect as it was still numbered L102 at this time.

  • 27 September 2020 - Ben Williams

    Thanks Dan. Ive just found a note in an old book of mine - I saw it in April 1993 and it was T008 at this time. I've amended notes here to say it carried both (plus L102 too prior to this.)